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Vieux 10/03/2010, 17h51
Analyste chez CXP
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Par lefreut, Le meilleur logiciel de transparence...
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Vieux 12/03/2010, 11h59
Date d'inscription : février 2009
Messages : 25
eiffel_g est déconnecté
Ca a marche avec Systray=No. Avec l'autre methode, non... Merci.

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Vieux 13/03/2010, 11h31
New Error
Date d'inscription : mars 2010
Messages : 8
Schippenschorsch23 est déconnecté
There is a new error on shutting down oder logging off. I have tryed the latest stable version and it wasn't in it.

Have a nice day,

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Vieux 14/03/2010, 12h17
Avatar de Lefreut
Date d'inscription : août 2003
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Envoyé par Schippenschorsch23 Voir le message
There is a new error on shutting down oder logging off. I have tryed the latest stable version and it wasn't in it.

Have a nice day,
What kind of error?

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Vieux 14/03/2010, 13h42
Date d'inscription : mars 2010
Messages : 8
Schippenschorsch23 est déconnecté
I am German and so it is in German but I try to translate it. I would like to upload a screenshot but I can't make one of the error because this part of the system is already "shutted down".

It says that "read could not be made because some errors in memory" Read and memory have some numerics after them. If you like I can upload them as well but I have forgotten to write them down and do not want to reboot again.

I do hope that this will help you.
Have a nice day,

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Vieux 15/03/2010, 16h18
Date d'inscription : février 2009
Messages : 25
eiffel_g est déconnecté
I think you get something like that:
The instruction at "0x007d3440" referenced memory at "0x6f69746d". The memory could not be "read".
It's not necesarly a TrueTransparency error. There might be hardware errors - memory failure, or explorer issues due to some software conflicts or viruses.

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Vieux 15/03/2010, 17h13
Date d'inscription : mars 2010
Messages : 2
burned est déconnecté
TT sometimes works with Firefox 3.6 (32-BIT). TT opens 2 windows (1 blank) when launching Word 2003 full screen. Other than that its looking sweet.

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Vieux 16/03/2010, 13h03
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Date d'inscription : août 2003
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Envoyé par Schippenschorsch23 Voir le message
I am German and so it is in German but I try to translate it. I would like to upload a screenshot but I can't make one of the error because this part of the system is already "shutted down".

It says that "read could not be made because some errors in memory" Read and memory have some numerics after them. If you like I can upload them as well but I have forgotten to write them down and do not want to reboot again.

I do hope that this will help you.
Have a nice day,
It's TrueTransparency.exe or another exe that crash because TT is running?

Envoyé par burned Voir le message
TT sometimes works with Firefox 3.6 (32-BIT). TT opens 2 windows (1 blank) when launching Word 2003 full screen. Other than that its looking sweet.
The problem with Firefox 3.6 is fixed with the last beta.

I know that there are problems with fullscreen but it's really hard to fix without breaking other apps.

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Vieux 16/03/2010, 14h06
Date d'inscription : mars 2010
Messages : 8
Schippenschorsch23 est déconnecté
It says that TrueTransparency causes the error. The message is something like eiffel_g has written.

Have a nice day,

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Vieux 16/03/2010, 15h04
Date d'inscription : mars 2010
Messages : 8
Schippenschorsch23 est déconnecté
I have recogniced another little bug. Go into the startmenu and click right on something. Then choose "Delete". You can click "No!", but as you can see there isn't the transparent border from TrueTransparency but the "normal Windows border".

Have a nice day,

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Vieux 16/03/2010, 17h24
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Date d'inscription : août 2003
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Envoyé par Schippenschorsch23 Voir le message
I have recogniced another little bug. Go into the startmenu and click right on something. Then choose "Delete". You can click "No!", but as you can see there isn't the transparent border from TrueTransparency but the "normal Windows border".

Have a nice day,
The problem is that there are no differences between this window and the logoff window (except for the title and the content). And the logoff window must be excluded or you won't be able to logoff.

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Vieux 16/03/2010, 19h21
Date d'inscription : mars 2010
Messages : 8
Schippenschorsch23 est déconnecté
Envoyé par Lefreut Voir le message
The problem is that there are no differences between this window and the logoff window (except for the title and the content). And the logoff window must be excluded or you won't be able to logoff.
But when you delete a file in an folder it is the same message but with TTborder. This there any difference between them?

Have a nice day,

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Vieux 16/03/2010, 20h48
Date d'inscription : mars 2010
Messages : 2
burned est déconnecté
Had to turn off TT with Outlook 2003. Found that it was blocking the spellchecker and thus preventing me form sending mail :(

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Vieux 18/03/2010, 10h31
Date d'inscription : mars 2010
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georgik est déconnecté
Romanian language for v1.3
Fichiers attachés
Type de fichier : zip (300 octets, 77 affichages)

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Vieux 18/03/2010, 11h11
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Date d'inscription : août 2003
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Envoyé par Schippenschorsch23 Voir le message
But when you delete a file in an folder it is the same message but with TTborder. This there any difference between them?

Have a nice day,
This is not the same kind of window

Envoyé par georgik Voir le message
Romanian language for v1.3
Thanks, but TT already has a Romanian translation. You confirm that the new one is better ?

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Vieux 18/03/2010, 16h01
Date d'inscription : février 2009
Messages : 25
eiffel_g est déconnecté
TT translation of georgik is, and is not, ok. Gramatically is more correct that mine, because it use romanian characters ( diacritics ). However "Skin" is translated as "Face", and usually the word "skin" is already imported in romanian in computer use.
Also the last 2 lines are not very corect: "acest inclus" - This Included " or "acest exclus" - This Excluded" does not sound very romanian :D
I've used the original french text to make my translation, he used the english one - so that's the problem with those 2 lines.
I write you in english in order for him to understand.
If you wish, I can edit my translation to include romanian diacritics - to be more corect gramatically - but it may give display issues for users not setting corectly their language in XP, as XP has only partial support for romanian.

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Vieux 19/03/2010, 13h51
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Date d'inscription : août 2003
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- Winroll fonctionne sur les fenêtres maximisées
- Amélioration de la gestion du fulscreen (mais encore de nombreux bugs...)
- Essai de correction du bug de focus (avec Office)

- Winroll now works with maximized window
- Better handling of fullscreen window (but still very buggy...)
- Try to fix focus bug (with Office apps)

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Vieux 19/03/2010, 15h13
Date d'inscription : septembre 2009
Messages : 25
rhahgleuhargh est déconnecté
Félicitations !
Bug d'affichage en plein écran de PowerDVD 6 et PouchinTVMod corrigé !
Il persiste un bug d'affichage avec ACDSee 7, peu importe, je l'ai laissé sur l'exclude list.

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Vieux 19/03/2010, 15h49
*Betty BoOp*
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Félicitations !

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Vieux 19/03/2010, 18h21
Date d'inscription : mars 2010
Messages : 1
Microobe est déconnecté
Bonjour à tous

Je viens de re découvrir ce petit logiciel qui est super

Je voudrais vous posez 2/3 questions si ça vous embêtes pas,
Serais ce possible de supprimer les " doubles " boutons comme sur WLM par exemple ? oui il y à les boutons "normaux" et ceux de TT qui s'affichent ensemble et je souhaiterais enlever ceux de WLM.
Un fichier à modifié ou autre ?

et sur Opéra 10.50 lorsque l'on déplie les onglets pour avoir accès aux miniatures j'ai vu que sous Win7 le fond était transparent et pas ici, donc pareil, y à t'il quelque chose à bidouillé ?

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses

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